
A WALK TO TAROKO - Taroko National Park Trails Guide好物狂銷

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內容簡介: 太魯閣國家公園有數十條難易等級不同的步道點,有的在高山、有的在海岸,有的則在峽谷,每條步道都各有特色,也各有精彩的自然人文故事。我們精選二十餘條在太魯閣國家公園區內路程短、自然人文資源豐富、又容易親近的步道和景點編撰成書,不僅提供詳實的步道資訊,更包含深度的解說內容,是一本引導大家深入認識太魯閣的叢書。
Taroko National Park has dozens of trails of different levels of difficulty, some in the high mountains, some on the coast, and some in the gorge. Each trail has its own character, and tells its own tales of nature and people. We have carefully selected more than 20 trails in the park that are of manageable length and offer rich natural and cultural resources, and are also easily accessible; these have been compiled into a book by the interpreter Lin Mao-yao. With his years of experience as an interpreter and in the study of nature and culture, Mr. Lin not only offers detailed trail information, but also provides an informative in-depth interpretation, making this the ideal book that to help readers gain an in-depth博客來 understanding of Taroko.博客來網路書店博客來書店

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  • 出版社:內政部營建署太魯閣國家公園管理處解說課    新功能介紹
  • 出版日期:2016/09/01
  • 語言:英文

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A WALK TO TAROKO - Taroko National Park Trails Guide好物狂銷


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